So I ditched that Smartphone I had in favor of the iPhone 4. I succumbed. The other phone was too big a pain in the ass with seizing up, or my cheek would hit the virtual keypad and beep whilst I was talking. Worse, it wasn't compatible with my Mac laptop. I did not foresee this very grave stumbling block. I now have the iPhone and am very pleased. Here is a photo. This is from the other day at Artbeast. I don't go there very often, only 3 times now namely, because it's sort of expensive to get in and she's over it within 1 1/2 hours or so. After we left, I decided lunch was in order. I was seized with the sudden impulse to devour meatball at Ikea. I was also keenly aware the place teems with children, so any of her antics would just blend right in. Plus, I wanted to check out the bedding and toys real quick. We got there and I nearly just departed once I glimpsed how long the line was. But to my astonishment, Gianna waited patiently and did not scamper off. Maybe it's because she was so hungry.
We all went to Lander and got back last week. The visit went well and there were no awkward conflicts regarding politics or religion. Joe has a hard time keeping his mouth shut when one of my nieces or nephews says something right-wing or ignorant. But nobody really did....Joe likes to get them started on the topic of Mormons. Since they are evangelicals (at least my bro Jason and Karen), Mormons are particularly irritating to them. They irritate me too (the religion, not necessarily the people, although some do), so I find it highly enjoyable to listen to Karen or Jason's lengthy tirade on how Mormonism cannot be Christianity, and Joseph Smith was a shyster, and how weird those garments are they wear, etc. etc. On the way back to SLC, Karen an mom drove us. I really think that Karen and Jason are really left-wing but don't know it. When things are framed correctly, she nods and agrees. Like, if one simply says, "Corporations are evil," she would likely disagree. But if stated like, "The free market system has been compromised due to mergers, and corporations are not paying their fair share of taxes, unlike us regular folks, and our good pals the small business-owners," she may actually acquiesce. Although, definitely stay away from the topic of abortion, etc. And of course don't even bother to try to convince an Evangelical what a joke religions are.
Anyway, Emily stayed at mom's all week to hang out while Jay went to AZ. Joe and I managed to slip away to the saloon exactly twice, which is good. Nothing like swallowing down a few beers. Joe likes to sit out side, but sometimes I like to actually sit at the sweaty bar to remind myself we're really at a bar. It's more tangible. Otherwise, sitting outside with a beer I could just be at Crepeville or something. Sometimes I want to glance up and see the taps or that bottle of Maker's Mark sitting there. We went on the Nature trail, which was significantly longer than what i remember. Gigi handled it well though and walked most of the way. The swinging bridge made me nervous though, because the fence isn't adequately stapled down at the botton. And of course my pubescent nephews are jumping up and down on it and making it swing wildly. Gigi also made cookies with Grandma, a tradition for us all. We fed the fish, went to City Park, ate breadsticks. All the usual junk one does at a Lander visit. Must say it was fun, and Joe didn't vanish as much. Gigi had a blast too.
I'm dreading Melissa leaving on maternity leave. It'll be me and the bumps-on-the-logs and the Republicans. It reminds me that she's at least 50% of what I enjoy about my job. At least Steve got us a sub, Mike, who is not too bad.
Well, I guess I'll retire. My evenings are so short. After Gianna goes to bed, I really only feel alert for 60-90 minutes.