Monday, April 23, 2007

Irresponsible, irrascible, irritating

I just got done with this class, "Interprofessional Responsibilities." It was one of the 21 I have to take to finish my AuD, which, incidentally, I am obtaining not for any lofty goal of higher knowledge, but because I know in the future I would otherwise resent all the new 26-year-old Audiologists with their freshly minted doctorate. Little sluts. (not pimps, since hardly any dudes go into audiology). Anyway, the class was basically a cheerleading session for our field. We learned what makes us professional, how to continue to strive for autonomy in the future, blah blah. I learned my professionalism is woefully inadequate, and I deserve nothing more than to file charts all day. If it paid the same, I would. Yes, I would waste 8 years of knowledge crammed into my cortex to do a task an orangutan could do. See, what I REALLY want to do, nobody would pay me to do. I don't really want to waste my cortex at all, but instead put it to use reading books all day, or gardening, or figuring out how to replace that electrical socket without killing myself or leaving a scorched mess. But that sort of shit doesn't pay well. And, since I have to sacrifice 8-hours a day, I may as well earn a decent sum doing it, right? Like, this beats flipping burgers, and definitely beats slitting the jugulars of steers at the local slaughterhouse. (Not that we have a local slaughterhouse. We leave the states who are hostile to unions to that savory task).

So I fail on all accounts to be a professional. The class says the qualifications, that is, what makes us professionals in a professional field, is 1) sense of calling to the discipline 2) ethics 3) crap I forgot some already. It came as no surprise to learn I have no calling. In fact I randomly chose audiology, stumbling upon it while muddling through various health science courses. I also obtained another degree, initially with the intent of leaving the profession. I'm too lazy to be all active, promoting the profession. I prefer to let others do the work, then reap the rewards. If something better came along, like my modeling career takes off or I become so fluent in Arabic the government would pay six figures for my talent, I would bail in a heartbeat. I'm also highly unethical. At least half my CD collection was heisted from Hastings. I would've snagged more if I weren't so worried about being caught. It wasn't my fault, if they weren't paying me a measly $5.30 per hour, and sending me home whenever things got slow, I wouldn't have done it. That's what pissed me off the most--I count on that paltry $5 per hour, and withing the first 5 minutes the store would earn my entire days wages. How pathetic that 8 hours of my life was worth only $40, or the price of 2 1/2 CDs. No wonder my student loans are so massive.

But back to the issue at hand. I'm unethical not because I am stealing white-out from work, which I would do if I truly needed the white out, but because if some manufacturer offered me a trip to Hawaii, I would take it, man. I don't care. We're not even supposed to give the appearance of impropriety. yeah, yeah....

Well, despite my class I certainly do not leap out of bed every day with eagerness. Unless it's Saturday. I just learned how lame I am. No, I didn't even learn that, because I already knew it. Lame and lazy, heh heh. But at least I'm not a republican. That's something.


Karen said...
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Karen said...

I must shun you.

You will have to sit at a table by yourself at the next seminar.

I can no longer acknowledge your existance since you are so lame.

Ok seriously I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels no motivation to be a cheerleader for our occupation. We're not rocket scientists, we're not curing cancer. We need to get over ourselves.

Now if you were serious about being a republican, then yeah, I'd be serious about the shunning. =)

Oh and sorry about deleting the first post, I'm an idiot and posted it before it was done. I couldn't figure out how to edit it so I deleted it. Yes, I am the most lame one of all.